Starting Anew

Welcome to the first of my new blog posts!

I feel like I have started down this road many times, but something always tripped me up. I’ve tried to have this in different formats over the years, but nothing seemed to really encompass what I wanted. So now, with a website that is just my name, I’m hoping that this blog will end up being the successful one.

Starting off this year, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about the roads we travel in life. Sometimes, things go according to plan, but then others, they don’t. It can be hard at those times when things don’t go the way we want them to. But if we view life as an ongoing road, it helps to put things in perspective. After all, regardless of its specific features, a road is designed to get you from point A to point B, right?

With a bit of an open mind, although we may find ourselves in a different place than our original destination, we may have found a beautiful sight that we never would have seen had we traveled the more direct path. Or perhaps we overcame some obstacles that helped us to grow as a person. Maybe we ended up finding a scenic route that still took us to our original destination, but in a more roundabout way. Maybe that longer trip enabled us to spend more time with people we care about than the direct route would have. There are so many options, and by thinking of our life in this way, it may help to get through some of those times that are more challenging.

Having said all of that, I wish anyone who reads this, regardless of when you might read it, a peaceful and fulfilling road ahead.



Origins of the Blog Name